What we offer
Our offer
We are an award winning End-point Assessment and Awarding Organisation for the food and drink industry. Our aim is to provide expert service to training providers, employers and apprentices in everything we offer. As an awarding organisation we provide over 100 food and drink qualifications. As for our End-point Assessments, we currently offer over 10 standards to be chosen from.
We pride ourselves on working closely with our customers. From the moment you book an end-point assessment with FDQ, or begin delivering our qualifications, our door is always open for any questions you need answering. Just give us a call.
Discover more about what we provide by clicking the links below.
Training Centres
As a food specialist awarding body and end-point assessment organisation the food and drink industry is at the heart of everything we do. That's why our specialist service is perfectly catered to provide the best possible service to your centre.
We have developed a wide variety of resources and insider information into apprenticeships to help you and your apprentice prepare to go through their qualifications and their End-point Assessment (EPA).
We know preparing for your qualifications or EPA can be tough, that's why we've packaged all information for apprentices in one place.

Quality Assurance
Our expert panel of Quality Assurers are some of the best in the industry. Their role is mainly focused on 2 parts, the design of each and every one of our qualifications and apprenticeship standards, and the delivery of each assessment.

As an Awarding Body, our certificates are designed and developed in house. Each and every certificate is created to showcase the skills, knowledge and performance of each individual learner who successfully completes their qualification.

FTC Group
The Food and Drink Training Council, a not-for-profit skills charity, formally known as The Meat Training Council. Within their group they have FDQ, the leading food qualifications awarding and end-point assessment body, and the Institute of Meat (IoM).