Terry Fennell
Chief Executive and Responsible Officer
As FDQ’s Chief Executive and Responsible Officer, Terry is the authoritative point of contact with Ofqual and devolved regulatory authorities for the qualifications that we offer across the UK. He provides strategic direction for FDQs development of food specific qualifications and with over 25 years in the field of apprenticeships Terry knows a thing or two about the connected funding and delivery of training programmes. Terry was appointed CEO & RO in 2018 and as the UKs only specialist Awarding Organisation for food and drink qualifications and apprenticeship services he has overseen significant expansion of the company that has more than tripled in size in five years as FDQ broadens its offer to support food and drink businesses across Europe. Up to 2021, Terry was vice chairman at the Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB) who represent over 120 qualification and professional organisations across the four nations. Prior to FDQ, Terry worked for the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) specialising in funding and contracting for over 3 years in a national role that brought him in to close proximity with a range of training organisations. To complement this expertise Terry has a depth of knowledge of the food industry, garnered during his time at Improve, Sector Skills Council and two years as Director of Employer Engagement at college of further education in the north east. Terry is passionate about customer service and supporting FDQ Centre’s to be a success.