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You can have confidence in our qualifications because they’re designed and reviewed by food industry experts. This means they reflect current industry best practice and work in real life, not just on paper.
We offer a broad range of food qualifications suited to everyone from school-leavers to experienced workers wanting to progress to the next level in the food industry. They cover the entire food supply chain, from agriculture to retail and everything in between.
The FDQ qualifications that sit within this suite cover a range of practical skills and knowledge needed in the meat and poultry industry. The apprenticeships provide more in-depth learning of butchery skills and knowledge for retail butchers, in-store supermarket butchers or process butchers.
Supporting the Food Industry
The qualifications that sit within this suite cover the key support functions that are essential to the smooth running of any food business. They are designed to teach technical and practical skills as well as set high standards in core functions within the workplace, including training, cleaning, packing, warehousing, storage and distribution.