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Exciting News for Bakery Apprenticeships – New Level 3

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

Following two years of input from across industry, FDQ is delighted to confirm the Trailblazer Group submitted the new Level 3 Lead Baker Apprenticeship for approval in mid-April. As part of the approval process, the IfATE must consult with stakeholders who have until the 8th May to review the proposed standard and assessment plan and respond to the 10-minute online survey. Please share this link with any contacts who may also have comments.

As centres will recall the ‘old’ Level 3 Advanced Baker standard was not fit for purpose and was retired in 2020. This new Lead Baker standard (STI349) has much greater focus on craft and artisan knowledge and skills and will importantly offer a progression for apprentices at Level 2. The IfATE has also commenced the funding approval process for this new standard, and it is hoped the apprenticeship will be open for starts later this Spring and into the summer so perhaps an opportunity for training providers to be informing employers now.

For Level 3 Lead Baker updates and information, keep a look a lookout here:

Feel free to explore our Level 2 Baker apprenticeship here:


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4100 Park Approach
LS15 8GB

0113 859 1266


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