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Arrangements for the assessment and awarding of vocational, technical and general qualifications.

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

2021 to 2022​

The qualification regulators have revised and amended the 2020 VCRF framework to enable award of vocational and technical qualifications in 2021 -2022. The revised arrangements come into place 1st September 2021.

The main outcomes are:

  • exams will go ahead

  • Teacher Assessed Grades will not be used

  • all content of FDQ qualifications including professional, occupational, proficiency qualifications will be taught

  • adaptations to delivery and assessment may take place where needed for example due to public health restrictions, however any adaptations to assessment will require support from sector or professional bodies.

Important - adaptations

if your centre would like to discuss the continued or new use of an adaptation, please contact us – all adaptation to assessment must be approved by FDQ.

We have revised our support guidance and this can be found in your centre login area of FDQAwards.

If you would like to discuss any of the above, please do contact us at


Pure Offices
4100 Park Approach
LS15 8GB

0113 859 1266


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Working Hours 

Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5pm

Sat-Sun: Closed

© 2023 FDQ


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